Nick Grace

To showcase how awesome the Drupal community is, I decided to let my two worlds collide and shoot a Guitar Voyager! video at BAD Camp. I'm at the Bay Area Drupal Camp to jam with some of the best in brightest in Drupal Community. The tune is All the Madmen by David Bowie

Nick watches excitedly as Morten DK talks about hearts, rainbows and his involvement in the Drupal Association. Holly Ross interrupts with a great counterpoint.

Nick got to meet one of his heroes! From front-end work to hardcore server-side challenges, Snook shares tips, tricks and bookmarks on, along with other publications online and offline.He's also coauthored two acclaimed books: Accelerated DOM Scripting with Ajax, APIs, and Libraries, and the approachable, widely-read The Art and Science of CSS.

Nick Grace interviews these two senior front end developers from NBC universal about the merits of SASS, the systematically awesome stylesheet language. He also finds why WSYWYG editors are a problem and why doing design comps in Photoshop could be a bad idea.

The King of Denmark, a themeing guru, Drupal community staple and quite a character. According to his profile on, he runs "a 1 man army Drupal Shop called geek Röyale based on the corner of the red light district of Copenhagen." This guy rocks

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