Ryan Szrama

Ryan Szrama is a Drupal e-commerce developer for Commerce Guys, focusing on Drupal Commerce. Aside from his work, he loves his wife, his daughter, his church, and a good book over a white mocha. . Check out his blog at http://www.bywombats.com/

To showcase how awesome the Drupal community is, I decided to let my two worlds collide and shoot a Guitar Voyager! video at BAD Camp. I'm at the Bay Area Drupal Camp to jam with some of the best in brightest in Drupal Community. The tune is All the Madmen by David Bowie

Any decent site architect and site builder uses it, the rules module. The question is, will there be a Drupal 8 version of rules? When I asked Micheal Meyers of Acquia about this issue during his presentation at Drupal Government Days last August, I got a lukewarm and inconclusive answer.

Ryan Szrama, Commerce Guys developer and Drupal rock star, talks about the structure of Drupal Commerce, the Drupal community, the role of Commerce in Federal IT and sponsoring developers to get our needed modules.

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