First steps to a new migration from Drupal 7 to Drupal 8

Sunday, March 19, 2017 - 00:02

I started up the migration again preperation again after some much needed time off.

The UNESCO folks have everything they need, so we are free to proceed with the migration  

Things seem to go along quite more smooth. The last time I had attepmted this was when Drupal 8 was on version 8.1. Now we are on 8.4

I just attempted a straight migration using the following syntax in my command

drush migrate-upgrade --legacy-db-url=mysql://drupaluser:@ --legacy-root=http:/site-namel.dd:8083 


This command allows you use the migrate tools and migrate plus modules to attempt a full systems migration from a Drupal 7 to a Drupal 8 system. Its does require some futher customization however, and this step is just a first attempt a seeing what will be easy to pull over and what will not.

We have a remote server at This will serve as the test site for d8 while we do the migration. 

Attached are is the log, 

Also I quickly built out a drush script to turn on all of our modules