Rules and Drupal 8, is it going to happen?
Any decent site architect and site builder uses it, the rules module. The question is, will there be a Drupal 8 version of rules? When I asked Micheal Meyers of Acquia about this issue during his presentation at Drupal Government Days last August, I got a lukewarm and inconclusive answer.
According to this post here -, Fago, the developer behind the rules module says
"Right now my focus is on bringing conditions and then actions apis in core into shape, such that they will be re-usable for Rules-8.x Afterwards, we should start on flushing out the Rules-API based on plugins asap and make sure the system works for us. As second step, I'd care about the UI and lastly about the upgrade path. Of course, any help would be greatly appreciated here!!"
In another post, titled Will Drupal Commerce be ported to Drupal 8?, Ryan Szrama posted on Feb 22, "Yep, of course it will be ported to Drupal 8. The 2.x branch / roadmap are for D8, but until Drupal 8 stabilizes, it didn't make sense to open the branch. Up until late last week they were still changing / adding new features, such as the conditions / actions APIs that will replace Rules on D8. You can follow that issue pcambra linked to be notified when active development begins."
Conditions/actions APIs that will replace Rules? So maybe the answer is that it won't.
At the Drupal eCommerce summit at BADcamp this year, Szrama said that there is a planned sprint at the upcoming Vienna Drupalcamp and that we should watch updates from the twitter account
There may also be answers to be found at the Technical Documentation Sprint.